About Me Dorothy Berry-Lound – ShannathShima

A woman with green hair wearing a cat face maskDorothy Berry-Lound

About Me

Here is an overview all about me Dorothy Berry-Lound. I am also known as ShannathShima. ShannathShima is a spirit name I was given many years ago by a very wise old man.

I am a fine art photographer/artist and visual storyteller and am lucky to live half way up a mountain in Umbria, Italy. I share my world with my husband, Barnet Boy, two rescue dogs and a large number of cats including Ms Stevie Mouse. Working from my art studio I look out over fabulous views of the Italian countryside. I use a variety of techniques for my work but I specialize in acrylic painting and also photo painting (photo art). Visit my art website to keep up to date with my art work and see the various outlets where you can purchase my work.

A collage of images featuring abstracts, images of Italy, a hookah pipe, animals and more.


My subjects reflect my English background (I was born in Brighton on the South Coast of England) and my life in Italy. This includes the character of towns, villages and old buildings – in fact anything that fires my imagination! My images also demonstrate my love for the countryside and animal life, with sweeping landscapes, colorful florals and animal studies. There is a spiritual aspect to some of my work, with purposeful application of color and imagery in order to create a particular mood.

What Got Me Started Creating?

Dorothy Berry-Lound

At school I had this crazy art teacher – I loved her enthusiasm and thrived in her classes. She made my art about me, not how everyone else did things. Once I started reading books on famous artists I couldn’t stop adding to my library. I also couldn’t stop drawing and painting and that enthusiasm has never dimmed. Now I have added photography and digital painting to my artistic endeavors and attack them with the same gusto!

My blog is about me, my art and where I live in Central Italy, marketing and reviews, animal stories (particularly cats!), music and various ramblings thrown in as subjects take my fancy. I post to my blog regularly and welcome comments.


Follow me on Facebook. I also have a YouTube channel.

Visit my art website to find out more about me, keep up to date with my art work and see the various outlets where you can purchase my work: dorothyberryloundart.com

All images Copyright (c)2000-2024 Dorothy Berry-Lound. All rights reserved.