Adults Don’t Stop Loving Their Teddy Bears

Adults Still Love Their Teddy Bears

I am proof that adults don’t stop loving their teddy bears. I would have taken mine to work with me if I could. Actually, on reflection, some of my business meetings might have gone better if I had.

Adults Don’t Stop Loving Their Teddy Bears

A survey earlier this year found that, in the UK, a third of British adults still sleep with a soft toy every night. And some can’t sleep without them. Just over two fifths of Brits (44%) have either kept their teddies and dolls or have them still in their old room at their parent’s house.

A declaration. I have teddy bears and other soft toys everywhere. Every room has something. But the majority of my little chums are teddy bears and I have a lot of them. They line the top shelf of my studio cabinets and have their own little alcove in my bedroom. Some are even rescue teddies!

Not All Bears Are Equal

Among my bear collection, I still have my first teddy bear. He was called, imaginatively enough, Teddy. Mum tells me that he originally rode a bicycle but I don’t remember that. He shared my bed well into my adult married life. In fact he was only retired because I was worried that he had so many stitches holding him together he might fall apart one day.

Adults Still Love Their Teddy Bears
Give Me A Bear Hug – Teddy and Clarissa

When I retired Teddy, I decided he needed a reward for looking after me all those years. I found him a girlfriend, Clarissa, and ever since the two of them have sat together, hugging. As bears do. Proof, if ever it were needed, that adults don’t stop loving their teddy bears even when they are retired from active duty!

Having made Teddy a happy lad, I set out to find a replacement. Which is how Toby Bear came into my life. I found Toby in a department store in Chippenham in the UK. He was hanging by his hat at a jaunty angle and I fell in love with him immediately!

Toby Bear – Author, Traveler and Credit Card Protector

Toby has traveled the world with me. Indonesia, Malaysia, the USA, Canada and various countries in Europe. He has been photographed with a six pack of beer and a large bag of popcorn in the States. An orchid was placed in his hat by the chambermaid at a hotel in Malaysia. He sat on the beach with me in St Lucia. He went on the Star Ferry in Hong Kong.  But he has always been proud of his British heritage as you can see.

Adults still love their teddy bears
Toby Bear Is Proud Of His Birthplace

We returned from Jordan with scabies (a type of mite, very infectious). What a nightmare that was. We had to be treated head to foot and clothes fumigated. The worst thing for me, Toby had to be treated and put through a washing machine. I sat by the washing machine fretting as I didn’t want to leave him on his own (yeah, I am nuts, go figure).

Wherever I traveled, Toby was an important part of my security as I used to keep my credit card in his hat! Not any more I hasten to add.

Toby swapped traveling for writing when we came to live in Italy. Not many people can say that their teddy bear wrote a book but Toby, with the help of Malcolm Bear and Wabbit Bear, wrote ‘Bearing All In Umbria – The Diary of Toby Bear’.

Thirty Years And Counting

Toby Bear has been looking after me for thirty years or more, and hopefully will do so for a lot longer. His travel adventures are over now and he has settled into a quiet older age. He still gets kissed and cuddled though! I told you, adults don’t stop loving their teddy bears.


teddy bear
Sweet Fairy Bear Dreams

New teddy bears still arrive to come and live with me. Barnet Boy has bought me quite a few. One of my favorites is a fairy bear – she has gossamer wings and is soft and snuggly. She has made herself very at home in my art studio as you can see.

What about you? Who is or was your favorite teddy bear?

Both ‘Give Me A Bear Hug’ and ‘Sweet Fairy Bear Dreams’ are available on prints and gift items. Click on either image to go to my RedBubble store.

Before you go

Mid-week Reflections
Dorothy and Barnet Boy

My name is Dorothy Berry-Lound an artist and writer. You can find out more about my art and writing at

You can follow me on Facebook.

Thank you for reading!

About Dorothy Berry-Lound 449 Articles
I am having fun living half way up a mountain in Central Italy with my husband Barnet Boy, Stevie Mouse and the rest of my fur family. I am enjoying creating art that people will love having on their walls. I also love storytelling through my blog and short stories.

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