Do You Ever Succumb to Akrasia?

Italian Temptations

I read an interesting article recently about akrasia. It was actually in relation to recent political events. But it made me think about the times I have been weak willed or lost self-control. And done something I really knew I shouldn’t. Isn’t that human nature?

Do You Ever Succumb To Akrasia?

What is Akrasia?

It basically means being weak willed or lacking in self-control. It is a Greek word, describing the experience of doing something against your better judgement. I am sure we are all guilty of indulging in that extra chocolate or having the extra glass of alcohol that maybe we shouldn’t. Or maybe committing to a New Year resolution to improve our health and giving up on it after the first week. You know the sort of thing.

But akrasia means something stronger than that. it means doing something though you truly believe it would be better not to – in other words acting against your better judgement. I suppose another phrase you could use in relation to this might be ‘self-sabotage’. Something that gives you immediate pleasure but you know as you do it you shouldn’t and you will regret it afterwards. You can read more on the Greek approaches to the issue, and more modern day philosophical approaches if you want to have your mind bent inside out LOL. I gave up after the first few sentences.

decorative Italian cream cakes
Italian Temptations

Not Talking About Illness

I am not talking about those who suffer from compulsive behavior disorders. Or about people with addiction. Such as smoking or drinking for example. People continue to smoke even though they know they shouldn’t. I have several friends who fall into that category. They know it is bad for them and they want to stop smoking. But the pull of the nicotine is too much for them. They have tried all the different ways to quit. But the magnet of nicotine is still too strong for them to resist.

These is not the same as being tempted by the extra piece of chocolate cake winking seductively at you from the table. One is a lapse in judgement, the other is a weakness of will as a result of being hooked on a substance or uncontrollable obsession.

Positive Intentions

woman eating comfort food
Comfort Food

By the way, the opposite of arkasia is enkrateia. This means making a positive choice because it has a positive outcome. Mmmmmm. That sounds good.

Sometimes we plan ahead and have positive intentions. I mentioned the New Years Resolution. The trouble is that when the time arrives and you are faced with actually having to do it all sorts of other things come into play.

Take my challenge to myself to write a blog each day in January this year. It made perfect sense, I got all motivated about it and started to list the topics I could write about and plan the practicalities. I wrote a couple of blog posts ahead to give myself a head start. Then once January got under way, after a few days I wondered what I had let myself in for. It would have been easy to give up after day four when I was struggling to find a topic to write about.

By day five I was dreading getting started with the writing in the morning. I wanted to go and work in the garden or play in my art studio, or go shopping! They seemed infinitely much more fun! But I stuck with it, mainly because I had made announcements on social media that I was going to do it. I didn’t feel I could back out, tempting though it was. I had set myself a goal and told everyone I was going to do it – I didn’t want to lose face! That was a great motivator for me. And by day seven I was really in the groove and enjoying what I was doing! I was so glad I didn’t give up.

Instant Enjoyment Versus Long Term Gain

Spider Web Between Garden Railing

Let’s face it, on the whole it is much more fun to have instant enjoyment than slave away at something for a long time. Even though you know that activity will really pay off in the long term. I know a lot of colleagues who have started blogs with great enthusiasm only to taper off after the first few posts. Because they don’t see instant results. We all need that little hit of success to encourage us don’t we or we get sidetracked too easily? But sometimes we really do have to focus our intention on future successes. And avoid that temptation to go against our better judgement. Set goals, commit to them and then do our best to make them happen.

If you want to read more on this subject I would recommend ‘The Akrasia Effect: Why We Don’t Follow Through‘ by James Clear.

Before you go

Mid-week Reflections
Dorothy and Barnet Boy

My name is Dorothy Berry-Lound an artist and writer. You can find out more about my art and writing at

You can follow me on Facebook.

Thank you for reading!

About Dorothy Berry-Lound 446 Articles
I am having fun living half way up a mountain in Central Italy with my husband Barnet Boy, Stevie Mouse and the rest of my fur family. I am enjoying creating art that people will love having on their walls. I also love storytelling through my blog and short stories.


  1. This was a really interesting read! I’d never heard of the concept of akrasia before but I’ve definitely been guilty of it, in fact I’ve been on a bit of a road of self sabotage of sorts recently but I’d like to think I’m getting back on track. Thanks for sharing x

  2. Asca Greek I am well aware of the terms and tgeir meaning but that does not mean I am engratis. I have a thing with sweets and coffe although I know that they are not good for health I just cannot resist. When it comes to long term goals though I wouldn’t bsay I give up easily. I really enjoyed reading this Dorothy 👍

  3. Eri I am glad you enjoyed reading it. Funny how so many of us can’t resist food. I can relate to coffee in particular, I was heartbroken last year when I had to give it up for my health! Thanks for your comment.

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