How To Create Art Using Glitter Glue


In this blog post, I want to report back on my experiments on how to create art using glitter glue. I came across some old craft glitter glue and wanted to find a way to use it in my art. I explored how it would work across several pieces, as I will explore below.

How To Create Art Using Glitter Glue

The Dream Forest

An abstract painting featuring purple, pink, magenta, blue and turquoise. A busy colourful background sits behind streaks of pink paint that come down the canvas vertically where they meet horizontal streaks of turquoise that cover the bottom third of the canvas.
The Dream Forest Final Version

In a previous blog, I wrote about the making of this piece called ‘The Dream Forest’. I didn’t have a clue how to create art using glitter glue when I started on it. From the little experience I had, I knew the glitter would add a gritty effect that might be quite attractive. I built up layers of paint then added the glitter glue, using various colours, finishing with two strong layers of pink and turquoise. I had been really pleased with the final painting when it was still wet. But slightly horrified to find that as the paint dried the glitter glue ‘ate’ some of the paint on the surface surface and changed what I had intended. From this I concluded:

…I need to either work with a dry paint surface when using glitter glue, or let the glitter glue dry completely before adding more paint on top.

But, thinking about it later, I was determined to use that ability of the glitter glue to work with wet paint too. And this led to my creating ‘Luminosity’.


With this piece, I set out to create an environment for the glitter glue to work its magic. The painting comprises layers and layers of paint with glitter glue in pockets around the under layers and one of the upper layers. As you can see I have used a comb to create grid lines. Then there is pouring paint and silicone oil added and combed into the very top layer.

An abstract painting with crossing grid lines and pale shades of colour peeking through.
Day One

As you can see, the initial painting was interesting but quite dull as the darker colours dragged through with the grid were muting the piece.

An abstract painting with grid lines both horizontally and vertcally with pastel paint shades and gold showing through.
Day Two

After 24 hours I could see that the glitter glue was pushing the acrylic paint up through the grid lines as it expanded. Amazingly, the painting was still very wet, an effect of the glue. I could see more of the basic underlying colours now and some cells had been created here and there.

After another 48 hours, the painting was dry and the magic had happened. The glue had ‘melted’ many of the colours which allowed them to blend in with the grid lines. The colours were much brighter and clearer. Interestingly, some of the glitter made it to the surface. I was really pleased with this result. It really glows!

A bright and colourful abstract painting with grid lines running horizontally and vertically and shades of purple and gold clearly visible within the grid.
Luminosity final version

I posted the whole process on my Facebook page and it was fun to share the process with my followers and enjoy their comments. As an exercise in how to create art using glitter glue it was a success, don’t you think?


I had a bit of glitter glue left and was able to use it to good effect on this final piece, called ‘Iridescence’. I was able to apply lessons learned and allow the glitter to work with the wet paint to create this wonderful, bright, colourful painting. The original has a real sparkle on the surface too!

An abstract painting with beautiful shades of yellow and purple with some red and green. Reminiscent of a pool or pond.

I had great fun using up this glitter glue as you can see! It was a good way to use up some old materials that had sat in my studio untouched for quite a few years.

Where You Can Buy Prints

All three of these images are available from my three print stores as follows.

The Dream Forest can be purchased as prints with free or reduced shipping in Europe from Art Heroes. Prints and jigsaw puzzles with free shipping in North America are available from Pictorem. Prints, home decor and gift items are available to be shipped internationally from RedBubble

Luminosity can be purchased as prints with free or reduced shipping in Europe from Art Heroes.  Prints and jigsaw puzzles with free shipping in North America are available from Pictorem. Prints, home decor and gift items are available to be shipped internationally from RedBubble

Iridescence can be purchased as prints with free or reduced shipping in Europe from Art Heroes.  Prints and jigsaw puzzles with free shipping in North America are available from Pictorem. Prints, home decor and gift items are available to be shipped internationally from RedBubble

Before you go

Mid-week Reflections
Dorothy and Barnet Boy

My name is Dorothy Berry-Lound an artist and writer. You can find out more about my art and writing at

You can follow me on Facebook.

Thank you for reading!

About Dorothy Berry-Lound 449 Articles
I am having fun living half way up a mountain in Central Italy with my husband Barnet Boy, Stevie Mouse and the rest of my fur family. I am enjoying creating art that people will love having on their walls. I also love storytelling through my blog and short stories.

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